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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

The Real Pink Panther

The RSPCA have rescued a cat dumped in a back garden-that has been dyed pink. It is believed the pet is the victim of a sick prank, after it was thrown over a garden fence in Swindon, Wiltshire.

The cat, nicknamed "Pink" is in good health, although the dye will not wash out. Animal experts are concerned that further washing will traumatize and stress the cat out, and so are waiting for the colour to grow out naturally.

Pink was seen being thrown over a garden fence at 10.30pm on Saturday, but it is not known who the person responsible is.

Animal welfare officer Carl Hone, who is investigating for the charity, said: "When I got the call I thought perhaps it would be a cat with something natural on their coat or which had rubbed against wet paint but this poor creature has been dyed completely pink, except around her eyes and nose, so she looks like she has a white mask on.

"We are very keen to trace the person responsible for doing this to the cat and I would urge anyone with information, or who knows who she belongs to, to please call the RSPCA."

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Year 2 Journalism!

After a very long break from blogging over the summer, its that time of the year to get back to work!
This year is centered around WINOL-Winchester News Online, and my contribution to this for the first semester is sports reporting, starting tonight with Winchester FC vs Moneyfields FC.